Protocol Resources
Presentation of Credentials Gallery
CTBTO Accreditation Procedure
The Protocol Office within the Legal and External Relations Division serves the protocol needs of the Secretariat, including those of the Executive Secretary. It also interfaces with the Permanent and Observer Missions to the CTBTO.
Permanent Representatives
Mission Staff
Staff at the Mission can be accredited using the Protocol Form. The form should be completed to notify the CTBTO of all arrivals, promotions and departures. All categories of staff are listed in the Permanent Missions booklet, but are differentiated by role in the Mission. The different categories for staff are as follows:
Diplomatic staff provided with a red grounds pass, who may act as chargé d’affaires during the absence of the Permanent Representative Advisers
Diplomatic staff provided with a red grounds pass, who advise the Permanent Representative or chargé d’affaires.
Advisers to the Permanent Representative who participate in regular CTBTO meetings in Vienna and do not have diplomatic status. Expert badges provide uninterrupted access to the VIC.
Support Staff
Including interns and drivers, those staff without diplomatic status who support the work of the Permanent Mission through administrative or logistical duties. Support Staff must pass through the security checks on entry to the VIC. There is a limit to six support staff badges per Mission. All Protocol Forms and queries regarding protocol should be directed to the Protocol Office.
Protocol Office
Room E0714
CTBTO Preparatory Commission
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 1200
1400 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: +43 1 26030 6112
Contact Us
CTBTO Protocol Form

The Blue Book is assembled by CTBTO Protocol based on information received from the Permanent Missions. It is the responsibility of the Permanent Missions to inform CTBTO Protocol of any changes. If you are a registered user of the Experts Communications System please click here to access the Permanent Missions Booklet. To establish an ECS account, contact us here.